LES VETES. Deepest point -22 m

It's a set of different caves, some of them connected to each other through tunnels.

Some of them are no good to visit, due to the great amount of mud that soils them, but others are very easy and simply beautiful. The main cave, of an impressive width and penetrating some 50 metres into the rock, has a magnificent air chamber at its deepest end, where one can admire stalactites shaped by the water filtering through along ages.
The light getting into the chamber through the water makes it possible to enjoy here the most gorgeous and unique hue of blue.
COVES DEL MILÀ (CALA VIUDA). Deepest point -25 m

Set of connected caves offering great passage ways lit at different points by light from the outside that comes through holes in the rock.
Set of caves and tunnels that offer us magnificent landscapes illuminated in different points by the exterior light through holes in the rock.
At the bottom of one of the caves we can find (or not, it depends if the storms have formed or destroyed it), a small submerged beach that allows us to even come to the surface to admire the calcarea rock formations created by the water leaks during centuries.
COVA DE LA SARDINA. Deepest point –18 m

It's practically straight, with no ramifications.
Some 40 m into it, the sea waters melt with a well of fresh water filtering down from the mountain above.

This makes an obvious change in the water temperature and saltiness. From that point on, until the far end, some 100 m into the coast, the transparency of the waters and the bare and rugged rock, shape up a very unusual lunar-like seascape.
Camping les Medes
Parc Natural del Montgrí
Mission Deep Blue
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