orca diving

Do you want to know the coast of l'Escala? With our friends from Orca Diving ... without a doubt ... it's the best way !!!
Do not hesitate to contact them!
eco diving

If you plan traveling from Holland, no doubt, the best choice is our agent Ronald Faber

Don't hesitate to contact him !!

In l’Ametlla de Mar (Terres de l'Ebre) you will find Plàncont Diving, directed by Auroa and Eli, two oceanographers who like us have responsible diving and approach to science as one of the main points of their center!

Artquatic is the center and diving club of our friends from Lleida.

Quim Abadia our Instructor Trainer, he is in charge of this club, super active: trips, outings, ... and a couple of visits a year to Aquàtica to enjoy the Natural Park of les Medes el Montgrí and the Baix Tar to see us! That there is no sea in “la Terra Ferma” (the firm land) but it does not mean that you cannot dive with good people

Camping les Medes
Parc Natural del Montgrí
Mission Deep Blue
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